KnowledgeWave Blog

12 Reasons to Get Your Software Training Online

Written by Jennifer Patterson | April 28, 2017

When it comes to software training, our first instinct is often to set up in-person instruction. Doing so allows for immediate feedback, quick access to answers when questions arise, and a personal touch.

However, there are some significant advantages to getting software training online that may benefit your organization’s needs even more. 12 of our favorites are featured below.

E-learning, learning conducted via electronic methods, is where the industry is headed. Bringing an online training solution to the table can only cast you in a positive light, as a current thinker and influencer.

1. Opportunities for blended learning

You can reach more learner types and increase retention through a mix of instructor-led webinars, on-demand video, and remote classroom learning. All are part of a good software training online package.

2. Flexible scheduling

Finding time to train is difficult for anyone’s hectic schedule. Thankfully, the bulk of online training can be completed when it’s convenient for team members, and at their preferred pace.

3. Flexible learning

Learners can work through a full course, or jump right to a specific skill that’s needed on the fly. Both are possible from the same software training online system, making it the right fit for almost everyone. (Related: How adult learning theory informs our approach.)

4. Accessible virtually anywhere

All that’s needed is an internet connection, a browser, and perhaps some quick, easy downloads to get started.

5. Reinforce skills with ease

If a concept or skill for an application isn’t clear, learners can brush up through spot training thanks to on-demand functionality. This is also handy for those looking to catch up on software changes after a lapse of use.

6. Dive deeper into topics

Traditional classroom training time can be limited by the instructor’s schedule – which can limit how deeply certain topics are presented. Online learning opens the doors for deeper explorations of software through extensive curriculums and its self-paced design.

7. Tiered class levels

Learner experience levels vary greatly. A tiered approach gives learners of varying levels a more rewarding opportunity to build upon what they may (or may not) already know.

8. Cost savings

For the cost of a single membership or license, learners can access an extensive library of learning paths – and continue to reference it if repeated instruction is desired. Additionally, online training cuts travel costs, expenses for training equipment, and time lost participating in courses that may have no relevance.

9. ROI

Increased productivity, accuracy, and customer satisfaction easily recover whatever costs were put towards an online training system.

10. Special topic training

Think pivot tables instead of trying to tackle all of Excel. Webinars serve as a terrific channel for delivering single-topic training to small and large audiences alike.

11. Consistent knowledge delivery

Because the same content is viewed by all participants, they receive the exact same instruction.

12. Certified instruction

Reputable online learning vendors have close affiliations with the makers of the software they train. Being certified by the software maker ensures you’re always receiving the most current content straight from a credible source.

If you’re convinced and looking for an online learning vendor, KnowledgeWave delivers all the above – and much more!

With an expansive list of benefits and flexibility, getting your software training online is worth your consideration the next time you identify a need.