7 Reasons Why Everybody Loves a Good Webinar [Sample Included]

Posted by Mark Rickner  /  September 16, 2020  /  Webinars, KLS, Training   —   No Comments ↓

employees love webinarsWebinars are short, focused training seminars that take place over the web. Depending on the subject matter, we find that webinars are often preferred by many end users over traditional classes.

Webinars allow participants to see and hear a live presentation via their computers. They can even "chat" in questions. All KnowledgeWave Learning Site members have free access to a number of popular webinars each month.

Webinar sample: Logical functions in Excel

This webinar sample was recently recorded during a live webinar event that we hosted for our KnowledgeWave members. This webinar covers the key logical functions in Microsoft Excel: IF, AND, OR & IFERROR. 

All Excel users should know how to use IF, AND, OR. Logical functions allow you to test your data against various conditions and return text or values that will be useful for you.


Based on years of experience, we are completely convinced of the value and effectiveness of webinars, which is why private webinars are included in all KnowledgeWave group memberships, focused on your team's specific training goals.

Top 7 reasons why employees love webinars

You can see from the webinar sample that live instruction is a key part of a good blended learning solution.

1. Live webinars are engaging

It feels very real and personal when you have a live instructor on the line with you, making jokes and answering questions along the way.

2. Webinars tend to be short

Many of our webinars are 30 to 60 minutes, making them easy to fit into busy work schedules.

3. Webinars typically have a few, focused learning objectives

Most end users find it easier to learn and retain information in short, digestible chunks like this. Need to teach a lot of content? No problem: just string together a series of webinars!

Attend a Free Webinar

4. Live webinars happen on a schedule, so procrastination is not an option

Having a set time to log on and participate in learning is actually a good thing for many end users!

5. Webinars are typically recorded

This makes the information available for anybody who missed it, including new employees you might need to bring up-to-speed in the future. While not as engaging as live events, recorded webinars are still a great way to promote learning.

6. Webinars are cost effective

You can train many end users simultaneously all for the cost of developing and presenting the curriculum. No travel costs required, all you need is a computer with a good internet connection.

7. Low technical barriers

Webinars can be attended using any device that has a screen and speakers, even a phone or tablet. Getting connected to online training used to be intimidating to the average end user, but the technology has evolved. Now all you need to do is register online, then click a hyperlink in your confirmation email to join a webinar.

Want to try it out? Start a free KnowledgeWave Learning Site trial, and you can attend any of our member webinars offered during your 30 day trial period.

We offer Microsoft 365 training. Learn more.


Topics: Webinars, KLS, Training