KnowledgeWave Blog

Why Choose KnowledgeWave as Your Software Training Solution?

Written by Jennifer Patterson | July 11, 2016

Just like everything else, training is going online. The days of sitting in a classroom listening to an instructor for 6 hours are fading.

We have learned that people, especially today, learn best when training is provided in small, digestible chunks of information. And they retain the knowledge better if it is immediately applicable to their daily work.

The goal is to have training available shortly before new skills are required to complete a specific task. And we know training…we’ve been offering software training since Microsoft Office was first introduced in the early 1990s.

Training these days tends to be shorter, targeted, and mostly online. But that doesn’t mean it has to be any less personal! Read on to learn more…

Software changes frequently…is your staff keeping up?

Our mission is to create an affordable way for employers to provide ongoing software training for their team members. Software keeps on changing (mostly for the better) but you can’t make the most of it if you don’t keep up your skills. Help your employees feel happy and confident in their work by investing in their knowledge…research suggests that you will see it pay off in your bottom line.

YouTube is not an effective training methodology

DON’T assume that your employees will self-serve the knowledge they need to keep moving forward. DON’T let them roam around YouTube and the Internet and forums looking to fulfill needs that would be best met with ongoing software training.

DO provide training resources that are high quality and always available. DO provide a solution that is trackable, both in terms of who is learning what, and also in terms of bigger picture ROI representing the value that your organization is getting for your training dollars.

KLS is Training-as-a-Service

We created the KnowledgeWave Learning Site (KLS) to provide an online blended learning solution. Our Training-as-a-Service (TaaS) solution is offered using a membership model.

An organization purchases a group membership for all of their employees. Each employee is then invited to set up his or her own personal account. Through this membership, employees have access to ongoing software training via our:

  • On-demand video training library
  • Monthly live webinars
  • Live online classes*
  • Coaching and consulting*

* Videos and webinars and some classes are free for members. There are modest additional charges for additional classes, one-on-one coaching and custom consulting work.

The benefits of online blended learning

Sometimes called "hybrid learning," blended learning simply uses a mix of training strategies to deliver the best results. KLS blends self-serve training (recorded videos) with live events (webinars and classes) to meet the needs and learning styles of more employees.

Within our videos, you will also find a spectrum: from short task-oriented videos to help you solve a specific problem to comprehensive courses to help advance your software skills more dramatically.

For some learners, videos are all they need to achieve their learning goals. But videos aren’t always enough. Some learners really benefit from that live instructor guiding them through the material. That’s why live instruction and expert services are an integrated part of our system.

And it doesn’t matter where you are, as long as you have a good internet connection. All of our classes are offered online using virtual classroom technology, in full-day and 90-minute formats. No need to travel or even take a full day away from work duties.