KnowledgeWave Blog

Free Training: How to Be an Effective Employee While Working from Home

Written by Dan St. Hilaire | March 27, 2020

In response to increased requests regarding the need to work remotely, we wrote our blog post last week: How to Be an Effective Employee While Working from Home. We also created a free webinar that ran for several sessions discussing how employees can maximize their efficiency and effectiveness while working from home (or pretty much anywhere).

After the live webinars, we received requests from multiple clients and prospective clients for access to the recorded version. Today, we have uploaded this premium webinar to YouTube for all to access. The webinar video is embedded below.

We highly encourage you to share this web page with your coworkers, friends, family members and on social media. Once again, the video is FREE to everyone.


We have also included the presentation slide deck as a .PDF here.

Please note that this webinar is focused on best practices. We’ll share some strategies that we have used and that our clients have used to support a collaborative remote work environment. KnowledgeWave understands that the way we do business is constantly changing, especially during uncertain times like today. The KnowledgeWave Learning Site contains over 2,600 videos just like this one.

Video Topic: How to Be an Effective Employee While Working from Home

  • Target Audience: Anyone working remotely, or anyone responsible for remote employees
  • Duration: 30-minutes

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Best practices and strategies for remote workers
  • Using Microsoft Cloud technology to work effectively when working remotely


The current outbreak of COVID-19 has increased awareness regarding the need for employers to provide a way for employees to work remotely while maintaining productivity. In this 30-minute webinar, we’ll share some best practices for being productive and professional when working from home. We’ll also explore strategies for managing your physical space, your digital assets, your mindset and your work relationships when working from home. We will also give some examples of using modern workplace tools that are readily available as part of Office 365.

In this session, we will share some real-world examples and best practices that will help you better visualize how your business can thrive with remote workers.

About KnowledgeWave

For the past 20 years KnowledgeWave has been helping companies deploy and adopt the latest business software. We stay up to date with the most recent software features and are constantly adding additional training to our online learning library, the KnowledgeWave Learning Site.

As a Microsoft Partner, we stay on top of all the newest features released within Microsoft Teams and Office 365. We pride ourselves on having helped hundreds of organizations throughout North America deploy business solutions for their organizations.

If you are researching, considering or planning on deploying Teams or Office 365 within your organization, let us help guide you through the process. We offer:

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