New technology implementations can be stressful for all types of companies, from small mom-and-pop shops to large corporations. Many companies have already made the switch to Windows 10 and are discovering ways to capitalize on the new features included with the upgrade. If you want to get the most out of your company’s Windows 10 upgrade, then following these tips can help you maximize its effectiveness to benefit your business.
5 Tips for Maximizing a Windows 10 Upgrade for Your Users
Posted by Dave Dec / October 7, 2019 / Windows, IT, End Users — No Comments ↓
End User Training as a Value-Add for MSP Clients
Posted by Eric Sokolowski / August 19, 2019 / Microsoft 365, MSP, End Users, Training — No Comments ↓
As an MSP helping your clients is one of your top priorities. Questions regarding Office 365 and associated applications (like Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive) can arise early and often when a client is migrating from another system (such as G-Suite) to the Office 365 platform. Helping your clients solve their problems and answering their questions is incredibly easy with the KnowledgeWave Learning Site.
Check out a quick, two minute show-and-tell video from KnowledgeWave CEO Eric Sokolowski, detailing a recent situation where an MSP easily solved a client problem with the KnowledgeWave Learning Site in just a few steps.
Tags: Microsoft 365, MSP, End Users, Training
Reluctant Office 365 Users? Top Tips to Win Them Over
Posted by Jennifer Patterson / July 22, 2019 / Microsoft 365, End Users, User Adoption, Training — 1 Comments ↓
If you feel like you are dragging a reluctant team along into Office 365 you are not alone. Or maybe they aren’t reluctant, just indifferent. Even if your users aren’t saying it, here’s what they are thinking:
“I’ve been using Excel for years and I’m just fine using it to get my work done…why should I care about Microsoft 365?”
“Can’t I just keep using Outlook the same way I’ve always used Outlook?”
First, it’s helpful to clarify for users the difference between stand-alone Microsoft Office vs. Microsoft Office 365.
Tags: Microsoft 365, End Users, User Adoption, Training
Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts
Posted by David Thibault / July 15, 2019 / Windows, IT, End Users — No Comments ↓
Below is a list of 12 great keyboard shortcuts to help you get the most out of using the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system. Keyboard shortcuts are great because they allow users to quickly and efficiently complete specific tasks that could end up taking much longer with just the mouse or track pad. Memorizing all the shortcuts might take some time so we suggest printing them out and leaving them next to your keyboard so you can quickly reference them whenever. Some of these shortcuts listed will even work in earlier versions of Windows (8.1, 7 and XP).
Create Surveys, Quizzes, and Polls Using Microsoft Forms
Posted by David Thibault / July 11, 2017 / Microsoft 365, Team Leaders / Managers, End Users — 12 Comments ↓
Microsoft Forms is a simple, lightweight app designed to help you easily create surveys, quizzes, and polls. In a business environment, the tool can be used to collect customer feedback, develop strategies, and educate staff.